Dr. Mohammed Nazmul Huq Professor, Department of Statistics and Data Science
Dr. Mohammed Nazmul Huq is a Professor of Statistics at the Jahangirnagar University. He worked as the first vice-chancellor of the RTM Al-Kabir Technical University (RTM-AKTU), Sylhet from April 1, 2021 to September 1, 2022. Honorable president Md Abdul Hamid, also the chancellor of all Universities, appointed Professor Nazmul as the VC of RTM-AKTU. Prior to this appointment, he was the Chairman of the Department of Statistics, Jahangirnagar University.
Dr. Nazmul joined the Department in 2000. He obtained his PhD in Health Economics from University of Dhaka. He completed his Bachelor of Science and Master’s in Statistics from Jahangirnagar University and stood first class first in both the levels. He also obtained 'Star Marks' in both SSC and HSC levels.
Dr. Nazmul is formally recognized for his excellence in scientific research with the leading national and UN organizations. So far, he has been involved in more than eighty-five research works in the health, population, nutrition and education sectors. He has published three books and reports so far. Professor Nazmul has more than thirty-five publications to his credit and has published several articles in the renowned international journals, e.g. Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research, HIV & AIDS Review, Health Affairs, Journal of Health Economics, Health Economics, The World Bank Economic Review, Science, Elsevier, Lancet, etc.
Dr. Nazmul also participated in numerous international training workshops and seminars organized by the Global Fund, UNAIDS, WHO, UNICEF, East-West Center/USA, UNDP, UNFPA, MEASURE Evaluation Project at the University of North Carolina, Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), OECD, EUROSTAT, Asia Pacific Health Economics Network (APHEN), WHO Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO) and Friedrich Naumann Stiftung/Germany.
Research interest covers a wide range of public health issues including HIV/AIDS, reproductive health and FP, food and Nutrition as well as Health Equity, Quality of Care (QoC), Benefit Incidence Analysis (BIA), identifying the poor, impact of health on productivity and hardship of the poor.
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Faruq Abdulla, Md. Moyazzem Hossain, Saima Khan, Rahat Ara Nur, Prevalence and Associated Factors of Severity of Gender-based Violence among Street-based Female Sex Workers in Bangladesh, Violence and Gender, 2023.-
Md. Moyazzem Hossain, Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Faruq Abdulla, Child nutrition requires affordable healthy food, Science, 380, pp.pp.1115-1115, 2023. doi: https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adi3972-
Faruq Abdulla, Md. Moyazzem Hossain, Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Abdul Hai, Azizur Rahman, Russell Kabir, Farhana Jahan Peya, Sinigdha Islam, T. A. Hafiz Khan, Prevalence, Determinants and Consequences of Problematic Smartphone Use among Preschoolers (3-5 Years) from Dhaka, Bangladesh: A Cross-sectional Investigation, Journal of Affective Disorders, 329, pp.pp.413-427, 2023. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2023.02.094-
Aminur Rahman, Muhammad Jamil Ahmed, Abul Hasnat Russel, Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Md Nurul Amin Miah, Z Ali, The Role of Plasma D-Dimer As An Initial Diagnostic Biomarker Of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis In A Tertiary Level Hospital, Bangladesh -Case Control Study, Journal of Science and Technology Research, 4, 1, pp.119-128, 2023. doi: 10.3329/jscitr.v4i1.67374-
Farhana Akter Bina, Sabina Yasmin, Saima Khan, Mohammed Nazmul Huq, HIV Estimation and Projection in Bangladesh up to 2030, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Statistical Studies, 36, pp.201-210, 2022.-
A. Rahman, M. J. Ahmed, A. H. Russel, M. N. Huq, M. N. Amin Miah and Z. Ali, Relationship between Vitamin D Status in Acute Ischemic Stroke for Assessing Initial Severity and Short-Term Outcome in a Tertiary Level Hospital, Bangladesh, Journal of Science and Technology Research, 4, 1, pp.119-128, 2023. doi: 10.3329/jscitr.v4i1.67374-
Moyazzem Hossain, Faruq Abdulla, Azizur Rahman, Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Cigarette waste: A burden to the health, environment, and economy, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 239, 113661, 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2022.113661-
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Moyazzem Hossain, Faruq Abdulla, Sabina Yeasmin, Intergenerational educational mobility in Bangladesh, PLOS ONE, 16, 7, pp.1-15, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0255426-
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Begum Ismat Ara, Problems and Prospects of Women Employment in Bangladesh, The Cost And Management Accountant, XXVII, 5, 1999.-
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Begum Ismat Ara, An Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Women Employees Working in Different Occupations, The Cost And Management Accountant, 2, XXIX, 2001.-
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Saima Khan, Atikur Rahman, Rawnak Jahan and Sabina Yasmin, Ending HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Bangladesh by 2030, Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research, Volume 11, 6, 2020. doi: 10.37421/jar.2020.11.812-
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Kazi Saleh Ahmed, Enrolment In Primary Education In Bangladesh - Projection For 2000-2020, The Journal of Statistical Studies, 21, 2001. doi: ISSN 1022-4734-
Saima Khan, Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Masud Reza, Zakir Hossain, Md. Anisur Rahman, Prioritizing Investment Options for Ending AIDS in Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, 41, 1, pp.99-112, 2018. doi: ISSN 1022-8594-
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Mst Ferdouse Begum, Education System in Public and Private Universities & Educational Background of the Students, The Jahangirnagar Review, Part II: Social Science, XXV-XXVI, 2002.-
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Saima Khan, Md. Anisur Rahman, HIV and AIDS among people who inject drugs in Dhaka city – what might have happened if interventions were not in place?, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, 40, 1, pp.55-71, 2017. doi: ISSN 1022-8594-
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Tarana Tasnim, Economic Consequences of Tobacco Consumption in Bangladesh, The Journal of Statistical Studies, 24, 2004. doi: ISSN 1022-4734-
Mohammed N. Huq, Saima Khan , Wiwat Peerapatanapokin, Masud Reza, Zakir Hossain, Zubair Shams, Md. A. Rahman, Modes of HIV transmissions in Dhaka city, HIV & AIDS Review . International Journal of HIV-Related Problems, 16, 2, pp.112-117, 2017. doi: https://doi.org/10.5114/hivar.2017.66898-
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Kazi Saleh Ahmed, Zahurun Nessa, Monitoring the Changes in Educational Scenario of Rural Bangladesh, FREPD, 2004. doi: ISBN 984-8638-00-8-
M Nazmul Huq, Sushil Ranjan Howlader, M A Kabir, Dipika Paul, Paying Out of Pocket for Healthcare in Bangladesh – A Burden on Poor?, The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, 26, 2015. doi: ISSN 1990-2492-
Eddy van Doorslaer, Owen O'Donnell, et. al., Effect of payments for health care on poverty estimates in 11 countries in Asia: an analysis of household survey data, Lancet, 368, 9544, pp.1357–1364, 2006. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69560-3-
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Sushil Ranjan Howlader, Redistributive Effects of Public Healthcare Financing in Bangladesh, The Jahangirnagar Review, Part II: Social Science, XXXV, 2011. doi: ISSN 1682-7422-
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Factors Influencing Utilization of Healthcare Services in Bangladesh – Analysis of the Data of a National Survey, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, 30, 1, 2007. doi: ISSN 1022-8594-
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Sushil Ranjan Howlader, Saptarshi Dhar, Efficiency of Public Healthcare Resource Allocation in Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, 2015. doi: ISSN 1022-8594
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Tarana Tasnim, Maternal Education and Child Healthcare in Bangladesh, Maternal and Child Health Journal, 12, pp.43-51, 2007. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-007-0303-3-
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Sushil Ranjan Howlader, M. A. Kabir, The Impact of Health on Productivity in Bangladesh, Global Journal of Quantitative Science, 1, 4, pp.24-31, 2014. doi: ISSN: 2203-8922-
Owen O’Donnell, Eddy van Doorslaer, et. al., The Incidence of Public Spending on Healthcare: Comparative Evidence from Asia, The World Bank Economic Review, 21, 1, pp.93-123, 2007. doi: 10.1093/wber/lhl009-
M Nazmul Huq, Sushil Ranjan Howlader, M A Kabir, Targeting the Poor for Health Sector Subsidies in Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, 2013. doi: ISSN 1022-8594-
MA Kabir, MN Huq, Abul Quasem Al-Amin, Gazi Hababubul Alam, Community Participation on Health and Family Planning Programs in Bangladesh: The Role of Education and Knowledge on HFP for Plummeting Pharmaceutical Costing, International Journal of Pharmacology, 8, 1, pp.10-20, 2012. doi: DOI: 10.3923/ijp.2012.10.20-
Eddy van Doorslaer, Owen O’Donnell, et. al., Catastrophic Payments for Health Care in Asia, Health Economics, 16, 11, pp.1159-1184, 207. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/hec.1209-
Mrigesh Bhatia, Ravi Rannan-Eliya, Aparnaa Somanathan, Mohammed N Huq, Badri Raj Pande, Batbayar Chuluunzagd, Public Views Of Health System Issues In Four Asian Countries, Health Affairs, 28, 4, 2009. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.28.4.1067-
Owen O’Donnell, Eddy van Doorslaer, et. al., Who pays for health care in Asia?, Journal of Health Economics, 27, 2, pp.460-475, 2008. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhealeco.2007.08.005-
Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Jamil H Chowdhury, Ahmed Al-Sabir, Quality of Care in Reproductive Health and Family Planning Services in Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, 33, 1, pp.129-142, 2008. doi: ISSN 1022-8594-
"Mapping and Size Estimation of Key Populations in Bangladesh for HIV Programs 2015-2016”, National AIDS/STD Programme (NASP) (2016). Dhaka, Bangladesh: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Directorate General of Health Services.
ISBN 978-984-92382-1-8
M. A. Matin, Mohammed Nazmul Huq, Janamity (Demography), Shomoy Prokashon, Banglabazar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2003.
ISBN 984 458 4035
Shah Ehsan Habib, Sushil Ranjan Howlader, Mohammed Nazmul Huq, et. al., Assessment of impact of harm reduction interventions among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Dhaka city, Published by National AIDS/STD Programme (NASP) under Director General of Health Services (DGHS), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Bangladesh, 2014.Copyright © 2014: National AIDS/STD Programme (NASP) under Director General of Health Services (DGHS), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Bangladesh
ISBN 978-984-33-8438-6
Published in collaboration with: Save the Children, UNAIDS Bangladesh, International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b)
Working Papers:
"Who Pays for Healthcare in Asia?” (Co-authors: O. O’Donnell, et. al.). EQUITAP Working Paper #1. February 2005. http://www.equitap.org/publications/docs/EquitapWP1.pdf
"Paying Out-of-pocket for Healthcare in Asia: Catastrophic and Poverty Impact” (Co-authors: Van Doorslaer, E., et. al.). EQUITAP Working Paper #2. February 2005. http://www.equitap.org/publications/docs/EquitapWP2.pdf
"Who Benefits from Public Spending on Healthcare in Asia?” (Co-authors: O. O’Donnell, et. al.). EQUITAP Working Paper #3. March 2005. http://www.equitap.org/publications/docs/EquitapWP3.pdf
"Explaining the Incidence of Catastrophic Expenditures on Healthcare: Comparative Evidence from Asia” (Co-authors: O. O’Donnell, et. al.). EQUITAP Working Paper #5. March 2005. http://www.equitap.org/publications/docs/EquitapWP5.pdf
"Review of National Commitments to Reducing Health Inequalities in Asia: Content Analysis of Policy Documents” (Co-authors: Mrigesh Bhatia, et. al.). EQUITAP Working Paper #11. May 2005. http://www.equitap.org/publications/docs/EquitapWP11.pdf
"What do policy makers think about health system and health inequalities in Asia?” (Co-authors: Mrigesh Bhatia, et. al.). EQUITAP Working Paper #12. June 2005. http://www.equitap.org/publications/docs/EquitapWP12.pdf
"Views of General Public on Health System issues in four Asian Countries” (Co-authors: Mrigesh Bhatia, et. al.). EQUITAP Working Paper #13. June 2005. http://www.equitap.org/publications/docs/EquitapWP13.pdf
Academic Info
Period: 2013
PhD in Health Economics
Period: 1994-1995 (Exam held in 1997)
Exam: MSc in Statistics
Result: First Class First
Period: 1991-1994 (Exam held in 1996)
Exam: BSc (Hon’s) in Statistics
Result: First Class First
Period: 1991
Exam: Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC)
Group: Science
Result: First Division with Star Marks
Period: 1989
Exam: Secondary School Certificate (SSC)
Group: Science
Result: First Division with Star Marks
Position: Professor
Period: Dec 2015 to present
Responsible for taking courses on Advanced Probability Theory and Stochastic Process, Queuing Process and Inference. Also guided Students' research work.
Position: Vice-Chancellor
Period: Apr 2021 to Sep 2022
Position: Chairman
Period: Nov 2020 to Mar 2021
Position: Associate Professor
Period: Nov 2011 to Dec 2015
Responsible for taking courses on Statistical Inference, Probability Theory and Stochastic Process. Also guided students' research work.
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: Nov 2003 to Nov 2011
Responsible for taking courses on Sampling Distribution, Calculus (Quantitative Methods), Probability Theory and Stochastic Process. Also guided students’ research works.
Position: Lecturer
Period: Sep 2000 to Nov 2003
Responsible for taking courses at both Honours and Masters level on Advanced Probability Theory and Stochastic Process, Numerical Analysis and Basic Computer Programming and Sampling Distribution
Position: Part-time Faculty Member
Period: Sep 2000 to Jan 2001
Responsible for taking course on Quantitative Methods in Business in the BBA Program
Position: Part-time Faculty Member
Period: Jan 2000 to Aug 2000
Responsible for taking courses on Business Statistics, Quantitative Method and Statistical Methods in the MBA and BBA Programs
Position: Consultant
Period: Mar 2022 - May 2022
Bangladesh: HIV Estimation and Optimization Analysis: As the Consultant of UNAIDS, responsible for estimating the HIV epidemics in Bangladesh as well as to obtain the future projections of HIV infection using AEM and Spectrum, two well recognized analytical models. He conducted the optimization analysis to ensure that future response to HIV/AIDS is justified and effective. The analysis was conducted for AIDS/STD Programme (ASP) of DGHS and other stakeholders including UNAIDS, Save the Children and icddr,b. He was also responsible for report writing and dissemination of findings.
Position: Team Leader
Period: Nov 2021 - Dec 2021
Gender Based Violence Against Female Sex Workers and Transgenders (Hijra) During COVID-19 Pandemic: As the Team Leader of RTM International, responsible for designing the study, developing the data collection tools, preparing data analysis plan and writing the report. The Light House contracted RTM for conducting the study in Dhaka and Daulatdia. UNFPA, UNAIDS and BSWS provided technical and financial assistance for conducting the study.
Position: Principal Investigator
Period: Jun 2020 – Aug 2020
Midterm Evaluation of SBCC interventions of IEM Unit of DGFP: As the Principal Investigator of Bangladesh Institute of Management, UChicago Research Bangladesh and Gotiii Consultation Network consortium, responsible for conducting Midterm Evaluation to evaluate the effectiveness of SBCC interventions of IEM Unit of DGFP/MoHFW. Primarily responsible for providing overall guidance to the research team, development of research methodology, report writing and dissemination of the study findings.
Position: Consultant
Period: Aug 2018 – Mar 2019
Update the 2015 Investment Case to facilitate planning for transition with strengthened domestic fund support: The purpose of this UNAIDS assignment is to update the previous Investment Case on AIDS for Bangladesh. As a Modeler works closely with ASP, UNAIDS, Save the Children and icddr,b and responsible for AIDS Epidemic Model (AEM) analysis, report writing and finalizing the investment case through stakeholders consolation.
Position: Team Leader
Period: Nov 2017 – Mar 2018
Mid-term Evaluation of Nirapod-2: Empowering Women on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Choice of Safe Menstrual Regulation (MR) and Family Planning (FP): As the Team Leader of RTM International, responsible for conducting the Mid-term evaluation of the Nirapod-2 project of Marie Stopes Bangladesh. Primarily responsible for providing overall guidance to the research team, finalizing survey design, report writing and dissemination of the study findings.
Position: Consultant
Period: May 2017 – Dec 2017
End Line Survey (Behaviour) on Continuation of the Prioritized HIV Prevention Services among key Population in Bangladesh funded by the Global Fund: As the Consultant of UNAIDS provide technical support to strengthen the M&E capacity of the National AIDS/STD Program to meet Global Fund compliance requirements. Primarily responsible for providing proper guidance and technical support to the Research Agency hired for conducting the End line Survey under the Global Fund HIV grant.
Position: Consultant
Period: Apr 2017 – Nov 2017
HIV/AIDS Related Stigma and Discrimination against PLHIV in Bangladesh: 2nd National Stigma Index, Bangladesh: As the consultant of Network of PLHIV Bangladesh works closely with UNAIDS, UNFPA, Bandhu Social Welfare Society (Bandhu) and Ashar Alo Society and responsible for training of data collection staff, guidance to the data processing team, data analysis, report writing and dissemination of the study findings.
Position: Consultant
Period: Sept 2016 – Dec 2016
Endline evaluation of “Improved access to and utilization of affordable, quality sexual reproductive health services and information among marginalized and low income women, men and young people of the underserved areas of Brahmanbaria and Mymensingh districts in Bangladesh” project: As the consultant of Marie Stopes Bangladesh responsible for conducting the endline survey, data analysis, prepare the evaluation report and disseminate study findings.
Position: Consultant
Period: Aug 2015 – Feb 2016
Mapping and Size Estimation of Key Populations in Bangladesh: The purpose of this Save the Children/Global Fund assignment is to obtain a robust estimate of the size of different key populations (KPs) including young population aged 10-19 and 20-24 years (YKP). As the consultant works closely with NASP, UNAIDS, icddr,b and other stakeholders and responsible for providing technical assistance to the mapping and size estimation teams to collect data from the study locations, analyzing data for estimating size of key population at the district level, report writing and dissemination.
Position: Consultant
Period: Nov 2016 – Dec 2016
Development of new National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS 2018-2022: The purpose of this UNICEF assignment is to develop new National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS 2018-2022 in align with Health Population Nutrition Sector Plan 2017-2022, national, regional and global commitments. As the consultant works closely with NASP, UNAIDS, Save the Children, icddr,b and other stakeholders and responsible for conducting thematic consultation workshop, in-depth interviews with relevant stakeholders, report writing and dissemination.
Position: Consultant
Period: Jul 2015– Aug 2015
Completion of M&E Framework for HIV Risk Reduction Strategy for Most At Risk Adolescent (MARA) in Bangladesh and updating of National HIV M&E Framework in line with the revised 3rd National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS: The purpose of this UNICEF assignment is to update National HIV M&E Framework in line with the revised 3rd National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS as well as complete the M&E Framework for HIV Risk Reduction Strategy for Most At Risk Adolescent (MARA) in Bangladesh. As the consultant works closely with NASP, UNICEF and UNAIDS and responsible for finalizing the M&E indicators, measures targets and prepare costed implementation plan through stakeholders consolation.
Position: Team Leader
Period: Dec 2014 – Jul 2015
Assessment for Implementation of Tribal Health Plan under HPNSDP in Providing HNP Services among Tribal Population in Bangladesh: The purpose of this study is to assess the implementation of planned activities of the Tribal Health Plan under HPNSDP through ESD and other relevant OPs. The study also determines socio-economic and HNP status of tribal population among tribal communities of both hill tracts and flat land in Bangladesh. As the Team Leader, responsible for providing overall guidance to the team members, report writing and dissemination of the results. The study was conducted for MOHFW under a sub-contact between Crown Agents and RTM International.
Position: Consultant
Period: Dec 2014 – Apr 2015
Preparing the Investment Case for Bangladesh and popularizing the results of the Bangladesh AEM Investment Projections: The purpose of this UNAIDS assignment is to design an effective and sustainable investment option on AIDS for Bangladesh. As a technical consultant works closely with NASP, MoHFW, UNAIDS, Save the Children and icddr,b and responsible for data analysis, report writing and finalizing the investment case through stakeholders consolation.
Dr. Mohammed Nazmul Huq
Department of Statistics and Data Science
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Email: nhuq@juniv.edu
, nhuq@juniv.edu, M.nazmulhuq@gmail.com